Tom Shipley于2011年8月1日担任美国心脏协会主席. 希普利有超过29年的教育经验, 在公共和私人天主教部门.
He earned his bachelor of science degree in education from the University of 威斯康辛州, 麦迪逊. 他拥有北伊利诺伊大学教育管理硕士学位, and he has also has completed significant coursework at Loyola University of Chicago’s post-graduate/Ed.D程序.
希普利在伊利诺斯州的利伯蒂维尔开始了他的教学生涯. 在那里,他的责任和经验都在增长, assuming the roles of assistant principal and then principal at Libertyville Public Schools.
在公立学校待了13年后, 希普利回到了他的家乡麦迪逊, 威斯康辛州, 接任校长一职,后来成为埃奇伍德高中的校长, 这是一所天主教高中,由新西那瓦多米尼加姐妹会赞助. He was the first lay administrative person to assume leadership in the school’s 128-year history.
在埃奇伍德的14年里, Shipley made significant accomplishments: creating the school’s first lay governance board, 启动广泛而全面的战略计划, 入学人数翻倍, 增加年度捐赠, 更新普通和宗教课程, 加强课外活动, 并完成了一项耗资1400万美元的资金活动,用于修缮麦迪逊校区. 由于他的工作,他被评为“麦迪逊最有影响力的领导人之一” 麦迪逊 杂志, 获得麦迪逊教区的远见领袖奖, and was honored by Edgewood with the Samuel Mazzuchelli Award for 服务 to Christian Education.
In 2006, Shipley made a professional change to pursue senior management and leadership positions in the business arena. He was a co-founder and part of an investment group that purchased Greenwoods State Bank, a湖米尔斯, 威斯康辛州, 社区银行. 在那段时间里, Shipley served as director and senior executive vice president with commercial lending and management responsibilities.
Heidi Foley is principal and corporate vice president of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 in 田生, 明尼苏达州. 这所天主教男女同校的高中有700多名9-12年级的学生. 福利导致, 指南, and develops professional development opportunities in the areas of curriculum and assessments for AHA educators that continually improve student achievement.
Since becoming principal of this nationally recognized college-preparatory school in 1999, 福利学院将大学先修课程的数量从两门增加到17门, 2015年,AP课程的参与人数从48人增加到230人, 哪个高年级81%,低年级72%. ACT的平均分从23分上升.2 to 26.5 in 2015. 她还带领学院开展了一个项目,将所有课程的课程设置统一起来, 利用共同评估, and form professional learning teams to ensure continuous improvement in teaching and learning.
在加入AHA之前, 福利在奥罗诺的奥罗诺公立学校担任了12年的西班牙语教师, 明尼苏达州. She was selected as the district’s first curriculum director and also served as an interim principal. 在她去奥罗诺之前, 她在沃辛顿的沃辛顿中学教西班牙语, 明尼苏达州.
Foley的会员包括课程与发展协会, 全国和明尼苏达州中学校长协会, 和Pi Lambda Theta (Epsilon分会主席). She is a trained North Central Association Accreditation team leader and Malcolm Baldrige examiner. Foley has presented workshops on assessment and high school professional learning communities with Solution Tree Professional Development and for the School of Education at Loyola University.
Foley在课程调整和有效评估方面的知识, 结合她作为教师和行政人员的经验, result in presentations that speak to all educators who strive to improve their schools and districts. Foley说, “An aligned curriculum with clearly stated student outcomes helps students and teachers attain and measure learning.”
蒂姆·沃尔夫格姆自2019年以来一直是美国心脏协会的一名数学老师. 他还担任过男子b队足球教练, 男校队助理足球教练, 也是校队助理田径教练.
Mr. Wolfgram has lifelong experience in Catholic education both as a student and throughout his career. 他从幼儿园到研究生都在天主教学校上学. 他在维拉诺瓦大学获得理学学士学位, 主修综合科学,辅修数学和心理学. 2019年,他获得了英国圣何塞大学教育学硕士学位. 托马斯(科大). 他目前正在完成科大的教育专家和校长执照. 由于他在课堂上的出色表现. 沃尔夫格兰收到了 卓越教学奖 从2016年和2017年的天主教学校卓越中心.
David Devine,首席财务官
大卫于2019年秋季加入菠菜网lol正规平台. David在圣天使拥有超过17年的财务和会计经验, including time spent with the Chicago Public Schools as a Capital Budget Manager and the Minneapolis Public Schools as an Accountant Supervisor.
He began his finance career with Marquette Partners in Chicago as a Senior Financial Futures Trader. 最近, David曾担任Northside 实现ment Zone (NAZ)的高级财务总监。, an organization dedicated to permanently closing the achievement gap and ending generational poverty in North Minneapolis.
大卫是天主教教育的产物. 他毕业于圣路易斯市的Cretin-Derham Hall高中. 保罗的成绩是B.A. 毕业于圣路易斯市大学. 托马斯在金融和经济学. He obtained a Master of Business 政府 Degree from DePaul University in Chicago.
刚从大学毕业, 他做了两年的美国志愿队志愿者, 数学教学, history and coaching basketball at Cathedral 大学 Preparatory High School in Los Angeles, CA. 在大学期间, 大卫是UST篮球队的一员, 在那里他获得了三年的优等生并在大四时担任了联合队长.
大卫和妻子住在圣. 保罗和他们的五个孩子.
杰西·福利,进步主任 & 校友参与
作为发展总监, Jesse's primary responsibility is to lead the advancement team to reach AHA’s strategic goals in admissions, 筹款, 市场营销, 和通信.
杰西1989年毕业于菠菜网lol正规平台. 高中毕业后, Jesse attended Augsburg 大学 where he graduated cum laude and majored in 市场营销 and business administration. 他是奥格斯堡篮球队的队长. 大学毕业后,杰西在丹麦打职业篮球并担任教练.
1997年,杰西被聘为美国心脏协会的招生主任. He served in that role for 18 years and held a two-year term as the President of the Catholic 招生 Directors group. Educational programs that Jesse initiated while serving in admissions include the Parent Welcome Teams, 国际项目(发展到60名学生), 今夜群星璀璨, 以及每周的全校集会. 2006年,杰西在圣何塞大学获得教育学硕士学位. 玛丽的.
1999-2005年和2013-2016年,Jesse担任首席明星男子篮球教练. 2002年,他带领这个项目首次参加州锦标赛, 2004年,该队获得了第三名.
In 2016, Jesse became AHA‘s Major Gift Officer and Director of 校友 Giving and Engagement. 一年后,他在成功中发挥了关键作用 我们的号召:学习 & 服务 活动超过了其目标,筹集了超过1100万美元. During his tenure in development, scholarships doubled from 25 total scholarships to 50 in 2023-24. 在支持圣天使校友的同时,杰西发起了夏季活动Rock the Lawn. This music concert started as an all-class reunion but has become AHA‘s biggest event for the entire community. 杰西是《菠菜网最稳定正规平台》的联合编辑 公报 2016-2023年担任校友杂志主席,2021-23年担任AHA商业联盟主席.
除了他在圣天使的工作, 杰西在德蒙特维尔耶稣会静修院的首都竞选委员会任职. 杰西也是他在蒙特特里维尔周末静修的协调员.
杰西娶了92届的安妮·朱特纳·福利,他们有六个孩子. 他们的三个孩子已经从圣天使中学毕业.
Arnebeck brings a wealth of professional experience to the role and is the school's first female athletic director. She began her career at Academy Holy Angels in April 2015 as the assistant athletic director. In 2019, 她获得了AHA社区协会员工服务和奉献奖, an award that is voted on by parents and given to a staff member who encompasses living out the 啊哈方式 在他们的日常角色中.
卡洛琳在安诺卡拉姆齐社区学院学习了两年, 她在哪里打垒球和篮球. 她的篮球队在1994年获得了全国冠军. 她在贝米吉州立大学继续打篮球, 1997年毕业,获传播学学位, and then went on to earn a Masters Degree in Educational 领导 from the University of St. 托马斯在2002年.
卡洛琳和她丈夫, 戴夫, own and run Warrior's Cove martial arts schools with multiple locations in the metro area, 她在那里教跆拳道和瑜伽. Their daughter Alivia attends and plays basketball at the University of 威斯康辛州 - Lacrosse. 工作之余, 卡洛琳和她的家人喜欢锻炼, 享受户外活动, 尤其喜欢在他们的小木屋里度过时光.
自2017年以来,Dan一直与AHA社区保持密切联系, 在圣天使大学担任橄榄球和新生男子篮球教练.
He began his educational career at Faithful Shepherd Catholic School in Eagan as a K-8 体育课 teacher and athletic director, 在2021-2022学年过渡到副校长职位之前. Dan moved to the Associated Athletic Director and 活动 Director at Holy Angels for the 2022-2023 school year.
丹在2023-2024学年被介绍为招生主任. He is highly motivated and excited to have the opportunities to work with prospective AHA families as well as current Holy Angels families.
菠菜网lol正规平台 has been an accredited institution since 1933 and currently receives its accreditation through Cognia.
AHA被命名为 2021杰出学院 由Cognia. AHA was one of just 59 schools worldwide and the only school in 明尼苏达州 to receive this honor.